Chelsea Hedderig

Chelsea Hedderig, Biologist, joined Smithers in 2014. She is the lab manager of the aquatic and terrestrial plant lab. She carries expertise in non-target aquatic and terrestrial plant ecotoxicology studies. Chelsea brings hands-on laboratory experience in Integrated Pest Management and Physiology from her time at the University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Chemistry from Bridgewater State University. In addition to her job responsibilities, she is pursuing a Master of Science degree in General Biology at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth that focuses on plant pollinator interactions. Chelsea has been an active member of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society since 2019. In her leisure time, she is an avid gardener, has been a member of a local theatrical group since 2015, and takes part in science education and community outreach programs, including serving as judge at her local high school science fair.

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