Joe Marini

Joe Marini is a Senior Research Biologist in the Ecotoxicology Department at Smithers.  He received his B.S. degree in Marine Biology from University of Rhode Island and is currently a candidate for his Master of Science in Biology from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

He has been with Smithers for 12 years and is currently a GLP study director for chronic, aquatic toxicology studies including fish full life cycle testing as well as fish and frog endocrine screening. Joe was involved in the study conduct for over two dozen Amphibian Metamorphosis Assays (AMA) between the Tier I, List I EDSP testing and the ongoing ECHA/EFSA initiative, and has extensive experience with Xenopus laevis culture. He also specializes in the design of non-solvent delivery techniques.

Joe presented  “Experimental Design for a 150-Day Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Full-Life-Cycle Exposure.”  at the 2015 SETAC North America, and "Comparison of Xenopus laevis NF developmental stage-matched control data in Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay continuous quantitative endpoints (HLL, SVL, wet weight)" at the 2022 SETAC Europe. 

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