Infographic: Overview of the Metal Packaging Market to 2027

Infographic: Overview of the Metal Packaging Market to 2027

Metal packaging is one of the industries that saw growth during COVID-19. As a result of the pandemic, consumers’ shopping habits changed leading to a growth of around 8.6% in metal food cans, whilst aerosol cans in terms of household products and sanitary sprays led to the aerosol market contracting less than expected. Overall, the metal packaging market grew by 5.6% in 2020.

Smithers latest infographic for the metal packaging market covers:
  • Market overview; geographic size and breakdown by segment
  • Global drivers and trends to 2027
  • End-use markets
Download your free copy to find out more.
Overview of the Metal Packaging Market to 2027 infographic
Overview of the Metal Packaging Market to 2027 infographic
Download The Future of Metal Packaging and Coatings to 2027

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