What will sustainable food packaging trends look like in 2040?

We surveyed 200 global packaging professionals to find out food packaging trends for 2040

Smithers and UPM Specialty Papers surveyed 200 global packaging professionals from across the value chain to find out key trends driving the development of sustainable food packaging by 2040. The study assessed the impact of a range of consumer expectations, regulatory development, material choices, to end-of-life options on the future of food packaging. You can find out all of the key trends and insights by downloading our 2040 report via the form below.

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By 2040 the industry expects

a $20 billion shift from plastic to fibre-based food packaging

Key sustainable food packaging trends for 2040

The study assessed the impact of consumer expectations, regulatory development, material choices, to end-of-life options on the future of sustainable food packaging. To learn what trends will emerge, download the report via the form above.

What does the future hold for sustainable food packaging?

How will the competing pressures of sustainability, consumer convenience and commercial imperative shape new innovations and packaging technologies? What opportunities and challenges will this create for the packaging value chain?

In this research the industry experts assess these questions and key trends to create a perspective on sustainable food packaging in 2040. We sought input from 200 global packaging professionals and a panel of industry experts to assess these trends and map the future landscape for sustainable food packaging over the next two decades.

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