ISO 45001 Clauses: Clause 6 Explained

ISO 45001 Clauses: Clause 6 Explained

ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS). This standard is designed to improve the safety of employees and reduce the risks of occupational hazards and injuries within any organization. The latest version of the standard ISO 45001:2018 was published in order to provide clear guidelines for organizations to achieve better safety performance and compliance with legislative requirements.

As we continue our ISO 45001 Clauses Series, we'll focus on Clause 6 of ISO 45001, which is one of the essential clauses of the standard. We will explain this clause thoroughly so that quality managers, CEO, operations, health and safety experts can have a better understanding of its significance and requirements.

Clause 6 is titled “Planning” and is the backbone of any OHSMS. It sets out the requirements for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an occupational health and safety management system. Of the six subclauses under Clause 6, each is integral to the implementation and success of a strong OHSMS. What follows is a short summary of each Clause 6 subclause:

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities:

Within ISO 45001 clauses, this subclause requires the organization to identify and evaluate all risks and opportunities that could potentially affect its occupational health and safety management system. The organization must then determine the necessary actions to address these risks and opportunities to ensure the overall effectiveness of the system.

6.2 OHSMS objectives and planning to achieve them:

This subclause emphasizes the importance of setting OHSMS objectives and targets that are consistent with the organization's overall occupational health and safety strategy. The organization must develop plans to achieve these objectives, taking into account the identified risks and opportunities.

6.3 Planning for changes:

This one requires the organization to identify potential changes that may occur and assess their potential impact on the OHS management system. Changes may include organizational, operational, or technological changes. The organization must also establish procedures for managing these changes.

6.4 Integration of OHS management system requirements into the organization's business processes:

This ISO 45001 subclause emphasizes the importance of integrating the OHSMS requirements into the organization's overall business processes to ensure the seamless functioning of the system.

6.5 Documented information:

This subclause calls for the organization to establish and maintain documented information relevant to the OHSMS. This includes policies, objectives, procedures, plans, and records. Of all the ISO 45001 clauses, this requirement is a foundational toward ultimate success, but can often be overlooked if an organization’s diligence is not maintained.  

6.6 Communication:

The last subclause we’ll highlight emphasizes the importance of effective communication between all levels of the organization to ensure the smooth functioning of the OHSMS. This includes both internal and external communication with stakeholders.

ISO 45001 Clauses, particularly Clause 6, emphasizes the need for a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system. The above subclauses provide a clear guideline for an organization to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve its OHSMS.

By effectively addressing the requirements of ISO 45001 clauses, organizations can reduce the risk of occupational hazards and injuries, improve their safety performance, and achieve compliance with legislative requirements. It is important for quality managers, CEO, operations, health and safety experts to familiarize themselves with all critical ISO 45001 clauses and develop strategies to implement the guidelines into their processes.
To get started toward achieving ISO 45001 certification, request a quote from Smithers. Or, if you have any questions, contact us and we’ll put you in touch with one of our experts.

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