Packaging Volume & Value Trends in North America

Packaging Volume & Value Trends in North America
Rising incomes, growing populations, rising urbanization are some of the key growth drivers for the global packaging market, according to, The Future of Global Packaging to 2024, a new study from Smithers.
In 2019, packaging will reach a total global value of $917 billion with demand growing steadily at 2.8% yearly to reach $1.05 trillion in 2024.
World packaging consumption, at current prices, increased from $860,714 million in 2014 to $891,212 million in 2018, a CAGR of 0.9%. It is projected to grow 2.9% to $917,104 million by 2019, and at a CAGR rate of 2.8% to $1,053,706 million through 2024.
North America is second-largest market, accounting for 22.6% of world packaging consumption in 2018. North America follows Asia, the largest market, which accounts for 40.6%.
Download the infographic to discover value and volume trends for North America, broken down by the three main markets: Canada, Mexico, and the US.

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