ISO 14001:2015 Objectives and Targets Examples - Setting Obtainable Goals

ISO 14001:2015 Objectives and Targets Examples - Setting Obtainable Goals

Organizations that are working towards ISO 14001:2015 certification need to set objectives and targets as part of the process. Objectives are the high-level goals that an organization wants to achieve, while targets are the specific measurable goals that will help them reach those objectives. In this article, we'll discuss how to set reasonable ISO 14001:2015 objectives and targets and provide some examples to help get you started.

What is ISO 14001:2015?

ISO 14001:2015 sets out the framework for an environmental management system and can be used by any organization regardless of its size or activity. The standard is based on a number of key principles, including the need for top management commitment, the identification of environmental aspects and impacts, and setting of objectives and targets.
Organizations that are certified to ISO 14001:2015 are required to establish and maintain an environmental policy, define objectives and targets, establish programs to achieve these objectives, and set up systems to monitor and review performance. ISO 14001:2015 also requires organizations to communicate their environmental policy to all employees and relevant interested parties.

How to Set ISO 14001:2015 Objectives and Targets

When setting ISO 14001:2015 objectives and targets, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Second, targets should support the objectives and be relevant to the organization's environmental policy. Third, the ISO 14001:2015 objects and targets examples should be ambitious or impactful, but also realistic and obtainable. Finally, it's important to involve all relevant stakeholders in the process of setting objectives and targets so that everyone is on the same page. 

ISO 14001:2015 Objectives and Targets Examples

Here are a few ISO 14001:2015 objectives and targets examples that an organization might set for themselves as part of their environmental management system and the ISO 14001:2015 certification process:
- Objective: Reduce our carbon footprint by 10% over the next 5 years.
- Target: Implement a telecommuting policy for employees who live within 30 miles of the office.
- Objective: Decrease water consumption by 5% this year.
- Target: Install low-flow toilets in all bathrooms.
- Objective: Decrease waste sent to landfill by 15% this year.
- Target: Recycle all paper products in the office.
- Objective: Increase energy efficiency by 2% this year.
- Target: Replace all incandescent lightbulbs with LED bulbs.
Knowing your objective is one thing--knowing if you've actually done it is another story entirely! After you've set your goals for becoming compliant with ISO 14001:2015, you'll need to schedule an audit with a Certification Body to begin the process toward achieving certification to ISO 14001. Here’s where Smithers comes in, our world-class ISO certification and auditing services can help you start off on the right foot and assists your organization in getting to where it needs to be, effectively and efficiently. Contact us, today to learn more.

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