Research biologists at Smithers average over twenty years of professional experience with fish and invertebrate full life-cycle studies, including two-generation studies, inhibition of shell deposition in molluscs, algal studies, sediment testing, and static and flow-through testing. Our scientists develop novel methodologies, exposure systems and culture techniques to provide customized testing strategies. Our staff are experienced in measuring unique or non-standard endpoints as well as designing innovative techniques to accommodate poorly soluble, highly reactive and/or highly volatile test substances. We offer the most complete portfolio of aquatic ecotoxicology testing services with fish, invertebrates, algae and plants.
  • Acute Studies
  • Subchronic Studies (Early Life Stage)
  • Chronic Studies
  • Complex study designs to support pesticide Endocrine Disruption Studies: Fish Short-term Reproductive Assay, (FSTRA), Amphibian Metamorphosis (AMA), Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay (LAGDA), Fish Partial Life Cycle (PLC), Fish Sexual Development Testing (FSDT), and Medaka Extended One-Generation test (MEOGRT) and Fish Full-Life Cycle (FFLC) tests, including Extended One-Generation test with Fathead Minnow (FEOGRT).
  • Microcosms
  • Specialized solvent-free delivery systems that eliminate the need for solvent controls
  • Customized studies to meet specific endpoint or screening needs
"Despite the extraordinary circumstances we are all facing with COVID-19, Smithers was committed to getting the multitude of studies within this program delivered on time. I received a high level of customer service throughout the program, from working through the iterations of the finicky solubility of the substance, to the creative methods for stock solution preparation for the ELS studies, to the revisions and amendments for the final reports. The Smithers team handled all of it with true professionalism and understanding of client needs. Their client-focused work will allow us to proceed with submission as planned and on schedule."  ~ Environmental Consultant

Staff Poster Publications:

MEOGRT Test: A Practical Experience
Vitellogenin Analysis and the use of Aprotinin
The Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marine Algae – Comparison of Species Sensitivity
Using Daphnia magna Historical Control Data to Evaluate Study Results
Challenges with aquatic ecotoxicology testing and analytical confirmation of poorly water soluble UVCBs
A Review of the Time to Hatch Endpoint in Fish Early Life-stage Studies with Fathead Minnow
Consideration of Species Selection and Endpoint Design in the Construction of Species Sensitivity Distributions
Breaking Up is Hard to Do: “Investigating the Importance of Breaking up Algal Chains in Reducing the Mean %CoV for Section-by-section Specific Growth Rate in Anabaena Flos-Aquae Toxicity Testing
Atypical Length Responses in Mysid Chronic Testing-Are They Relevant to Risk Assessment
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