Migration testing simulants

Migration testing simulants

There are two key stipulations listed in EU Regulation 10/2011 for overall migration testing; both are decided by the intended end-use of the product or component being tested. Combined, they are designed to replicate real-life service use conditions.

The first is for the simulant required for the test project. Simulants are food substitutes which reflect the properties of the foodstuffs which will come into contact with the product or component.

There are six different simulant types specified for use in overall migration testing:

  1. simulant A – 10 per cent ethanol (v/v)
  2. simulant B – 3 per cent acetic acid (w/v)
  3. simulant C – 20 per cent ethanol (v/v)
  4. simulant D1 – 50 per cent ethanol
  5. simulant D2 – Vegetable oil
  6. simulant E – Poly (2, 6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide), particle size 60-80 mesh, pore size 200nm.

Simulants A, B and C are assigned for foods that have hydrophilic properties, covering aqueous, acidic and alcoholic foods. Simulants D1 and D2 are for foods that have lipophilic properties, and covers both dairy and non-dairy fatty foods. Simulant E is assigned for testing specific migration into dry foods.

Once the appropriate simulant has been selected, the testing conditions (temperature and exposure period) needs to be decided upon; there are seven overall migration limit testing conditions specified

The Food Contact testing team at Smithers provides migration testing to meet the necessary regulatory requirements.

Find out more about our migration testing and food contact services.

See our infographic to find out more about migration testing simulants:

Migration testing simulants

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