
This standard is used to measure the integrity and stability of unitized loads, large cases and crates when subjected to standard mechanical load handling equipment (including but not limited to fork trucks, spade lifts, clamp trucks, and pull packs).

Test Details

This standard can be used to evaluate the suitability of a unitized load or large container for standard mechanical handling and can be used to make design improvements where deficiencies are found. The standard provides test procedures for the following evaluations:

  • Fork Truck Handling
  • Spade Life Test
  • Clamp Handling Test
  • Push-Pull Handling Test
  • Grabhook Test
  • Sling Tests

Types of packaging                

Unitized Loads, large cases and crates     

*Please note that the above information is a summary of ASTM D6055. Please refer to the ASTM website for full details.

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